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Succulents are one of the fastest growing plant varieties in popularity. They are great for indoor and outdoor gardening, as well as just using them to decorate your home. With this comes a some responsibility – caring for succulents can be tricky, but also easy at the same time! Here is some advice on how to care for succulents so you don’t accidentally kill them.

1. Succulents are easy to care for

Thankfully succulents don’t take much work to care for, and only need a few things to survive.

The first thing you need is the right container, which should be made of porous material like cacti and succulents are known for growing in – terracotta pots work well!

The pot needs drainage holes so that excess water can escape while still holding enough soil at its base  to keep it from drying out too quickly (you don’t want your plant dying!).

You also have two options when planting: placing them directly into dirt or using rocks as an anchor before adding some topsoil on their roots; this will help prevent over-watering by keeping moisture away form leaves during rainstorms . Once they’re planted make sure there’s plenty space around each one because these plants grow fast!

2. Water only when the dirt is completely dry

Succulents don’t need much water, and a lot of water can actually hurt them . The best way to tell if they need water is by poking the soil with your finger. If it feels dry, then you should give them a little bit of H20!

Warning: Succulents don’t require much watering; in fact too many baths can be harmful for their health . When planting succulent plants make sure there’s plenty space around each one because these fast-growing beauties will soon take over  your garden and crowd out other plant life that needs more attention.

Once planted, poke at dirt every few days until moisture has been absorbed into earth or feel free just leave pot on window sill where raindrops fall – this method also helps prevent sunburns from occurring which are common during summer months.

3. If you notice any pests on your plant, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe away the pest.

If you notice any pests on your plant, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to wipe away the pest.  This kills them and it’s safe for plants!

But if they’re not succulents then this method won’t work as well because of their delicate leaves that can be easily torn by chemicals like these so make sure before using anything else just ask an expert at a store where purchased or consult with one online first about what type is best suited.

4. If you want to repot your succulent, make sure to use potting soil with good drainage

Repotting your succulent can be done, however you should keep in mind that this can be a delicate process.

It is important to use potting soil with good drainage so that the roots have enough space for air circulation and don’t get too wet or dry out, which could cause them damage in either case!

5. Succulents need about six hours of light in a day to stay healthy

While succulents don’t need quite as much light as other plants, they do need about six hours a day to stay healthy and grow well.

If you’re not sure if your succulent is getting enough light, look for the following signs:

  • The leaves are turning brown or yellowish in color
  • The plant’s stems may be leaning towards a window to try get more sun exposure (this can also happen with plants that don’t need much sunlight)
  • Leaves on one side of stem might droop down due lack moisture from too little water/sunlight; this will cause them turn dark green while those without any problems remain lighter colored.
  • If it has been cloudy outside lately then they probably haven’t gotten as many hours so make an effort today!


Succulents are awesome plants for beginners, or people that want plants without the maintenance . They are hardy and can grow in many different environments, so they’re perfect for people that don’t have a green thumb.

Just make sure to give them the right amount of sunlight or else their leaves will start turning brown! You should also keep in mind to not overwater them, or else they will start to rot.