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Garden soils can be classified as acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Neutral garden soils measure 7.0 on a pH scale. If the pH level is lower than 7.0, it will be classified as acidic soil, and amending it with lime will increase the pH level. Many plants do not thrive in acidic soils. Reducing the acidity on soil can do miracles on a large number of garden plants. It will allow them to grow to their full potential. These plants will thrive to offer you a productive harvest or a blooming garden.

So what garden plants need lime? In terms of vegetables, peas, beans, cauliflower, cabbages, corn, lettuce, spinach, beets, and other greens can thrive well with lime.

What is best for Peas?

Peas prefer a soil with a pH range of 6 to 7.5 for it to grow best. Acidic soil can lessen the productivity of peas.

Balancing the pH with lime is extremely helpful, especially if you are experiencing low peas production.

Cauliflower requires soil with a pH range of 6 to 7. With the right conditions, the vegetable can produce healthy heads.

For higher production, cabbage family crops need soil with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.0.

What do you need for Cabbage?

Cabbages are nutrient-intensive crops, and it is of the utmost importance to ensure that they have access to the nutrients they need. If the pH level in the soil does not meet its ideal range, the production will diminish. Cabbages are also prone to bacterias. One of the benefits of lime is that it can stop the multiplication of bacteria in the soil.

Incorporating lime in soil with a pH level that’s lower than 6.0 can also do wonders to your corn though it has to be added at least three months before planting.

pH Test Kits

The quality of the garden soil is not the same for all. You may consider purchasing a pH test kit from your local garden center. It is an accurate way to identify the quality of your garden soil.

If you’re soil indeed needs amendment, then you may confidently apply lime to correct it. Adjusting the soil to meet the basic requirement of your garden plants can help achieve a happy garden life.

What about flowers?

If you’ve decided to grow flowers, you may think about adding lime to your carnations, larkspurs, and hydrangeas. Carnations thrive well in neutral to alkaline soil .

Garden soils will be classified as alkaline if their pH level is above 7.0. Adding lime can increase the pH in the soil to help improve its alkalinity. It will aid the growth of your carnations, causing them to produce more blooms. Larkspurs or delphiniums will not thrive in acidic soils.

Adding lime will not only raise the pH in soil because it can also prevent the common root rot problem of this towering plant. If you want to grow pink hydrangeas, you may do so by meeting the soil requirement that ranges from 6.5 to 7.0. With this unique flower, you may change the color of its blooms with the right soil treatment.

The secret is all in the soil, and with the right level of pH, you will get the hue that you desire.