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You don’t need a large yard to be a gardener. Small balconies, or even windowsills, can be enough to have your own little garden. Lately, there has been a new trend in gardening: regrowing plants from roots.

Romaine Lettuce, among many other plants, can be regrown from the roots of a plant you harvested from your own garden or even purchased from the grocery store. Below are a few simple steps to regrow romaine lettuce.

Steps to regrow Romaine Lettuce

  1. Cut the leaves off your romaine, leaving approximately 2″ of the stem.
  2. Place the stem in a small dish filled with water. The water should cover about half of the stem, or approximately 1″.
  3. Put this dish a warm, sunny place in your house (such as a windowsill).
  4. Replace the water every few days and leave your little romaine lettuce like this for 5-10 days.
  5. Watch it grow. You should see some good growth pretty quickly.
  6. Enjoy! While you won’t regrow an entire full head of lettuce, you should get a decent harvest after about two weeks.

While regrowing your romaine lettuce most likely won’t mean never having to purchase another head of lettuce, it is a great way to reuse food leftovers. And a fun gardening activity to do during the colder winter months !