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The best way to revel in the beauty of springtime is by planting Tulips in our gardens. Unlike any other flowers, tulips need the cold conditions to grow healthy and be delightful come spring. With proper planning and care, you will be guaranteed the perfect blooms to adorn your home for the coming season.

For those who live in zones four and five, you may already start planting your tulip bulbs by September. And for those who live in zone six and seven, plant your bulb in October and November, respectively. For most, tulip bulbs are planted in mid-autumn or early December, just before the ground freezes. If it’s only mild winter in your area, you may start planting in late December. Tulip bulbs will thrive in colder ground temperatures. It is best to plant them when it’s colder so long as the ground is still soft and not frosted over.

Tulips are one of the first flowers to blossom in the spring, and no flower represents the season better than these blooms. Planning is the key if you want to welcome spring with the beauty of these tulips. It is because they have to have a solid 14 weeks to grow and yield their blossoms. Planting tulip bulbs at the right time can guarantee you with these beautiful blooms in springtime.

The perfect timing is not the same for everybody. Identifying the plant hardiness zone in your area is important because the weather condition plays a vital role for your tulips to thrive in winter and blossom in spring.

What if I planted too early?

Tulip bulbs can adjust well and survive in the cold winter. But if they are planted too soon, they can still freeze and suffer during this harsh condition. If you plant it while the soil temperature is too high, there is a possibility that the tulip bulb will heat up, which can cause it to rot.

Once this happens, the plant will become weak then it will collapse and wither. In better conditions, planting tulips too soon may cause the shoots to emerge while the weather is freezing. It will make the plant exposed to frost that can cause it to freeze in the winter.

If this happens, there is still something that you can do to ensure that your plant survives the winter season to grace your garden come springtime. Employ a polypropylene cover to slow down the growth of your tulip. It is also necessary to water your plant well, especially if frost is imminent.

Keeping them hydrated is the best way to go to ensure their survival.

How to store Tulip Bulbs?

If you have already purchased your tulip bulbs but had to wait for the perfect weather condition to have them planted, then you must store them properly for the time being.

Proper storage is important to ensure that the bulbs remain at their optimum health. Make sure that you do not store it in plastic, a paper bag would be the best way to go. Store the bulbs in a dark cool place such as a fridge or cellar.

If you opt to store the bulb in the fridge, make sure that it is placed in the crisper drawer and away from any fruit.