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While finalizing your landscaping plans, you will want to find out what kind of plants you to grow in the garden, so that the layout of the garden can be finalized . The plants are of different varieties, some are ornamental plants, while other plants are vegetables, herbs and flowering plants.

You will also want to find out if annuals or perennial plants should be grown. This perennial vs annuals comparison, lists the features of plants of each type and the major differences, benefits of each type of plant. In this discussion, mainly flowering plants are discussed, though many features are common for all the plants. The description is mainly applicable for areas with cold weather during winter.

Perennial plants

During winter, the temperature in many areas is very low, and the part of the plant above the ground will die. Perennial plants are plants which can survive for many years.

During winter the upper part may not have leaves, yet during spring, new shoots will sprout form the same root system. These plants can also survive without water for some time, since they will flourish when they get enough water.

The flowering perennial plants will have flowers for a shorter duration of time, usually in spring or summer. The flowers will be smaller in size, less brightly colored compared to others

Annual plants

Many plants, especially flowering plants complete their life cycle within a few months or few weeks.

The seeds will germinate in spring, and flowers will usually blossom in summer or even in autumn in case of seeds which are grown later. After the flowers blossom, and seeds are formed the plant will usually wither and die.

The flowers are usually large in size and brightly colored. The plants are usually smaller in size. The next spring, some of these annual plants may grow again, since the seeds in soil will germinate in spring, especially if the soil is well watered.

Cost and propagation

Usually the perennial plant is more expensive that the annual plant since it has a longer life if proper care is taken.

It will also survive extreme weather conditions better. Usually the landscaping company will procure the perennial plants for the garden or other property from a reputed local nursery.

The growth of the plant will often reduce after 3-4 years. In this case, a cutting of the plant can be taken and used to grow new perennial plants, replanting it elsewhere in the garden. Hence most people prefer perennials.

Seeds are used for growing the annual plants. Initially the landscaping company or gardener will have to purchase the seeds of the plants he wishes to grow. The seed germination and growth of the annual plants depends on multiple factors, like the seed and soil quality, watering and weather conditions.

If the plants grow well, some of the seeds will be scattered in the ground, and some may grow the next year. However, there is no guarantee that the annual seeds will grow, so the gardener will have to purchase new seeds every year.